Can essential oils Lemon or Grapefruit be used for weight loss?
How to use Essential Oils for Weight Loss
Nowadays a lot of people want to know safe and effective ways to lose weight without any possible side effects. Some try to change their lifestyle, eating habits and others try exercises. But still are not satisfied and all methods are less effective than they have anticipated.
If so, is the case with you then stop worrying and start losing weight. It is as easy as pie! How?
The answer is that you should consider using essential oils for weight loss. Essential oils help in losing your weight by burning body fat. They support your body in vital and healthy ways that you yourself would be unaware of.
How to use Essential Oils for Weight Loss – Grapefruit
Essential oil of Grapefruit aids in activating enzymes of the body that help in breaking down fats. This grapefruit oil is naturally extracted from the grapefruit peel containing high amounts of compounds. Compounds like D-limonene that enhance the metabolism. It also helps in the cleaning of drainage of the lymphatic glands.
In case you get hunger pangs or severe cravings, you can mix patchouli oil with grapefruit oil by adding it to water. Use it the whole day at work and at home. It will definitely decrease your hunger and cravings dilemma.
How to use Essential Oils for Weight Loss – Cinnamon
Cinnamon Essential Oil is unusual as it acts almost similar to insulin in your body. Add a few drops of food-grade cinnamon oil to tea or smoothies to help make them more satisfying. Also, this essential oil helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and blood sugar level which ultimately helps to burn fats effectively in an efficient manner.
How to use Essential Oils for Weight Loss – Ginger
Another essential oil that is quite good in reducing body fat is ginger essential oil. This is oil is helpful in a way that it helps in reducing your cravings for sugar and it helps in improved digestion and absorption of nutrients. You can add 1-2 drops of ginger oil to a glass of warm water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and some raw honey. This intake a day would certainly help out to burn out the extra body fats and make you slim and smart in no time.
How to use Essential oils for weight loss
Grapefruit, Ginger, Cinnamon, Lemon, Sandalwood
How to use Essential Oils for Weight Loss – Lemon
Similar to grapefruit oil essential, Lemon essential oil is said to stimulate the immune system, alleviate pain, and promote weight loss because of its citrus nature. Best known method of using lemon oil for weight loss is to drink it. Mix 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil to a glass of water and have it in the morning to support digestion and detoxify. Furthermore, lemon oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle or from a cotton ball soaked in a few drops of the oil. This helps to restrain food cravings and stops from overeating.
How to use Essential Oils for Weight Loss – Sandalwood
If someone is an emotional eater or eats when stressed out, sandalwood essential oil can be the best oil for them. Sandalwood essential oil is known to conquer feelings of negativity and bring a sense of peace. This oil has a wonderful woody scent and a natural therapeutic effect on the limbic system of the brain. By balancing your emotions, one will stop turning to food to feel good and better help backing your weight loss goals.