Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

Is it really possible to train for a 5 km run in just 8 weeks?

Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

Have you been lazy for a while and want to get into shape again? Or do you want to lose a few pounds? This might be the training session for you.

If you want to try our “beginners program” using the run-by-walk principle, then follow this easy to use guide, which will guide you through the 8 weeks. The first weeks are for pure beginners. So if you are used to training or already are in a moderate shape then we suggest you our “Run 10 km in 8 weeks of training

Start all exercises by a 15 minutes walk. This will warm up and prepare your muscles and joints for the training. Increase the pace gradually during the walking periods, so you set off at a slow pace and speed up the last minutes. That way you also benefits by the walking periods.

8 weeks training program that makes you ready for a 5 km run
Keep a controlled pace, so you can keep the same speed throughout all the distance. If you get stuck, try to slow down a while and then speed up again.

Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks – Full program

WEEK 1 – Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

DAY 1 (eg Tuesday)
15 min walk + 500 m run + 20 min walk

DAY 2 (eg Thursday)
15 min walk + 1 km run (If 1 km is too much, then break up the run in 2 x 500m)

DAY 3 (eg Saturday)
30 min walk

WEEK 2 – Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

DAY 1 (eg Tuesday)
15 min walk + 1 km run + 10 min walk (If 1 km is too much, then break up the run in 2 x 500m)

DAY 2 (eg Thursday)
15 min walk + 1 km run

DAY 3 (eg Saturday)
35 min walk

WEEK 3 – Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

DAY 1 (eg Tuesday)
15 min walk + 1.5 km run + 10 min walk

DAY 2 (eg Thursday)
15 min walk + 2 km run (If 2 km is too much, then break up the run in 2 x 1 km)

DAY 3 (eg Saturday)
40 min walk

WEEK 4 – Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

DAY 1 (eg Tuesday)
15 min walk + 2 km run + 10 min walk

DAY 2 (eg Thursday)
15 min walk + 2 km run

DAY 3 (eg Saturday)
45 min walk

WEEK 5 – Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

DAY 1 (eg Tuesday)
15 min walk + 1 km run + 10 min walk

DAY 2 (eg Thursday)
15 min walk + 1.5 km run

DAY 3 (eg Saturday)
50 min walk

WEEK 6 – Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

DAY 1 (eg Tuesday)
15 min walk + 2 km run + 10 min walk

DAY 2 (eg Thursday)
15 min walk + 2.5 km run

DAY 3 (eg Saturday)
55 min walk

WEEK 7 – Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

DAY 1 (eg Tuesday)
15 min walk + 3.5 km run + 10 min walk

DAY 2 (eg Thursday)
15 min walk + 2.5 km run

DAY 3 (eg Saturday)
60 min walk

WEEK 8 – Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks

DAY 1 (eg Tuesday)
15 min walk + 2 km run + 10 min walk

DAY 2 (eg Thursday)

DAY 3 (eg Saturday)
15 min walk + 5 km run

Run 5 km for beginners in 8 weeks – conclusion

– 8 weeks program that makes you ready for a 5 km run.
– Run-by-walk principle.
– Only 3 days training per week.
– Everyone with normale weight or slight overweight can follow this program.
– Well known training structure with a very high success rate.

1 km of running with 10km/h = 6 min moderate run, will burn about 70 kcal

Get the “Run 5 km in 8 weeks for beginners” Print version here

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