Research has shown that CBD oil product can be helpful for migraines, just as it helps reduce inflammation and pain. According to some research, Cannabidiol CBD product has the potentials to relieve neurological pain and other kinds of pains in the body.

The American Migraine Foundation’s report states that Cannabidiol has shown promising signs as a remedy for treating migraines. They still acknowledge the fact that CBD has not yet been scientifically proven to be an effective medication, stating that it is so because there has not generally been formal research on CBD. However, the foundation concludes that CBD might still be an option or alternative to some patients suffering from migraine-associated pains.

Because there has not yet been any sure evidence of CBD’s safety or effectiveness regarding treating migraine, the FDA still refuses to approve it as a medication for treating or reducing pain. This article will talk about CBD benefits when it comes to migraines, including their legality, effectiveness, and safety.

Why can it be said the CBD oil products could relieve migraines?

As you might have known or heard, CBD is among the several Cannabinoids/compounds that are found in the hemp plant. This particular compound is not the same as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which makes its users high. With the many tests that have been done on CBD, there has been no evidence that it makes its users high or intoxicated. However, CBD itself has its effects, such as reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

One thing that helps CBD to be able to relieve pain is that it affects specific brain receptors, which are among the wider ECS (endocannabinoid system). The ECS plays a significant role in managing inflammation and pain in the body.

According to research, medical marijuana has these effects that relate to the treatment of migraine, including the following:

  • Easing nausea
  • Relieving pain
  • Anticonvulsive effects
  • Reducing inflammation

However, the research on CBD’s effectiveness and safety for treating migraines has been extremely limited, partly because of the legal restrictions that were imposed on researching hemp/cannabis plants.

A review was made in 2017, in which researchers claimed that cannabis itself might help treat migraine. While it may be true that Cannabidiol oil has several effects, it has not yet been proven by any research/study that CBD can treat migraines. Therefore, more studies and research on this issue have to be made.

What research says

According to a trusted source, there are some pieces of evidence that show that CBD has modest potentials for relieving severe pain. Also, in 2020, another review from a trusted source states that CBD is effective when it comes to improving sleep, reducing inflammation, and reducing chronic pain sometimes.

In the year 2016, one study’s result highlights that medical marijuana might reduce how frequently a patient has migraine headaches. Note that CBD itself was not investigated, but medical cannabis. Another review in 2018 also indicates that cannabis is a promising remedy for relieving migraine-related pains.

In the year 2017, a review mentions that are enough preliminary findings and subjective evidence that warrants that makes it necessary for more clinical trials and research to be conducted. The whole point of the story is that researchers need to carry out more research on CBD migraine. If they find CBD effective, they will begin to find the best and most effective formulations and dosages.


A Farm Bill was passed in 2018, which states that hemp-derived products that have lower than 0.3% THC contents are legal. However, all states have their own different CBD legality. So, if you are in a particular country and want to buy any CBD product, you should check the state’s laws concerning such a product before you buy it.

The FDA, in 2018, approved purified CBD products that do not contain any THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) to treat just 2 rare and chronic kinds of epilepsy. You can only get this oil through a prescription.

If you are buying CBD products over the counter, you should know that the FDA has not approved such products. Therefore, it would not be easy to know if the products are safe. It is advisable to consult your doctor before you start using CBD oil products.

How CBD oil can be used

You can make use of CBD oil in the following ways:

  • In the form of a capsule
  • By vaping or inhaling (either of them is unsafe)
  • By sprays or through oral drops
  • As a mixture in your drinks and foods

While you can use CBD in the above-mentioned ways, researchers are still trying to find the potential implications (ethical and legal) and benefits of taking CBD products in other ways, like on the skin or rectally.

We cannot yet mention a particular method of taking CBD oil for migraine nor a standard dosage because scientists have not yet done a human test of CBD effects on migraine. But, if you live in a state where CBD is legal, you can meet a doctor to recommend a dosage that you can start with. Generally, it is safer to begin with a lower dosage and monitor yourself to see if there are improvements. If you notice positive effects, then you can be increasing the dosage gradually.

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One of the major risks concerning CBD products is that they are not being regulated. No cannabis product has been approved by the FDA as a medication for treating migraines. Even CBD products for treating migraines have not been approved by the FDA.


With all that we have mentioned in this article about CBD benefits for migraines, you can see that CBD can be helpful in alleviating pains associated with migraines. But, always remember that the FDA has not approved any CBD product as a medication for migraine treatment. However, you can make use of it as a supplement. Another important thing to know is that you should ask your doctor for advice before you begin to take CBD oil for migraines.

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