How to Burn Calories by Walking

Is it really possible to burn calories by walking? Read and learn How to Burn Calories by Walking!

How to Burn Calories by Walking

Walking is a great exercise for burning calories. Although any form of exercise can burn calories, quick and energetic walking for 30 minutes causes the body to burn stored fat. It is particularly good for burning internal abdominal fat, known as visceral fat, which not only contributes to the waistline but also increases your risks for heart disease and diabetes.

There are two major ways how to burn calories by walking. Firstly is that you need to go fast enough to increase your heart rate to the best zone for burning calories for energy. Secondly is that you go long enough to burn stored calories instead of just burning off the sugar that your body stores for quick workouts.

How to Burn Calories by Walking and calorie burning zone

The calorie burning zone is attained when you work out to a level where your heart rate is 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate. At this point, 85% of your calories that will burn are fat, 10% are carbohydrates and 5% are proteins.

The range of heart rate for this zone varies with age. To find the accurate numbers, use a chart of heart rate zones. Also, there are heart rate apps for your phone and heart rate monitor that are integrated with many smartwatches and fitness bands.

With a brisk walking step, the fat burning zone can be achieved. In this zone, you will breathe harder, feel an increased effort and probably sweat, but you can continue to have a conversation. Should you find that your heart rate is still below 60 percent of your maximum, work faster by performing good posture, arm movements, and a vigorous stride. You can also add hills, stairs or fitness walking sticks.

How to Burn Calories by Walking and how long do you walk to burn calories?

You need to walk for at least 45 minutes in the fat burning zone to get your body to burn calories. Walking extra minutes will burn more stored fat.

Warming up at a lighter pace is a vital part of the workout. When you spend the first 10 minutes at the bottom of your target heart rate zone, you will burn off your stored blood sugar and consume the stored energy in your muscles. This signals to your body that you are more likely to do a longer workout than a short workout. For this reason, your body will be ready to start burning stored calories. If you just started at your fastest speed, your body would not get that signal.

Plan a 60-minute workout to allow for cool-down and warm-up time. A longer walk is better; if you put 90 minutes aside, you burn more fat.

Beginners should gradually increase their walking time and speed. A beginner walking plan begins at 15 minutes a day, five days a week and works on a good walking method. You can increase your walking time by five minutes per session per week.

If five or more days a week you enjoy a fat-burning walk, you will get the recommended amount of exercise to reduce health risks.

You might be interested in reading this :

How Walking can give better mental and physical health

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