How to Work Out in Your Garden

by Susan
your garden

Gardening is not only a rewarding hobby, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to stay active and fit. By incorporating exercises into your garden routine, you can enjoy the benefits of physical activity while tending to your plants and enjoying the great outdoors. In this article, we will explore various ways to work out in your garden and turn your gardening sessions into effective and enjoyable workout sessions.

Creating a Garden Workout Space (H2) Before you start working out in your garden, it’s essential to set up a designated workout space. Clear an area of your garden where you can move freely and safely. Ensure the ground is level and free from any hazards that could cause accidents.

Garden Workout Essentials 

Prepare a small kit with workout essentials such as a yoga mat, resistance bands, dumbbells, and a water bottle. Having these items readily available will make it convenient to exercise in your garden.

Safety Considerations

Safety should always come first. Check for any sharp tools or objects that might be lying around your garden. Ensure that your workout space is away from fragile plants or delicate structures.

Garden-Friendly Attire

Wear comfortable and breathable clothing suitable for outdoor workouts. Consider wearing a hat and applying sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.

Garden Yoga and Stretching

The Serenity of Garden Yoga

Garden yoga allows you to connect with nature while practicing mindfulness and relaxation. Start with gentle stretches and yoga poses to warm up your body and mind.

Benefits of Garden Stretching

Incorporate stretching exercises into your gardening routine to improve flexibility, posture, and reduce muscle tension.

Yoga Poses to Try in Your Garden

Explore yoga poses like Tree Pose, Child’s Pose, and Warrior Pose that blend perfectly with the serene ambiance of your garden.

Functional Gardening Exercises

The Functional Approach

Functional exercises mimic movements used in daily activities and are great for overall fitness. Utilize gardening tasks as functional exercises.

  1. Squat and Lift (H3) When planting or weeding, practice proper squatting techniques to engage your leg muscles and lift with your legs instead of your back.
  2. Digging for Strength (H3) Digging is an excellent full-body workout that targets your arms, shoulders, and core. Focus on maintaining a strong posture while digging.
  3. Raking for Cardio (H3) Raking leaves or debris can elevate your heart rate and provide a good cardiovascular workout.
  4. Wheelbarrow Walks (H3) Move heavy loads in a wheelbarrow to work on your upper body strength and balance.

Creating a Garden Circuit

Designing a Garden Circuit

Combine different gardening exercises into a circuit training routine. Alternate between activities to keep your heart rate up and challenge various muscle groups.

Time and Repetitions

Set a specific amount of time or repetitions for each exercise in your garden circuit. Aim for a balanced workout that targets all major muscle groups.

Adding Intervals

Incorporate short bursts of higher intensity, such as brisk walking or quick weeding, to add intervals to your garden circuit.

Garden Circuit Workout Ideas

A garden circuit workout is a fun and effective way to combine gardening tasks with exercise. It involves a series of different activities that target various muscle groups while allowing you to move around your garden. Here are some garden circuit workout ideas to get you started:

  1. Weeding Lunges: While weeding your garden, incorporate lunges into your routine. Step forward with one leg, bending both knees to create a lunge position. Hold the lunge while pulling out weeds with your hands. Alternate legs and repeat.
  2. Planting Push-Ups: Before planting new seeds or flowers, perform push-ups against a garden wall or using a sturdy garden bench. Keep your body straight and lower yourself towards the wall or bench with your arms, then push back up.
  3. Wheelbarrow Walks: Fill a wheelbarrow with soil or gardening supplies and take a walk around your garden. This exercise engages your arms, shoulders, and core while also providing a cardio challenge.
  4. Watering Can Shoulder Raises: Fill a watering can with water and hold it with both hands at your sides. Lift the watering can out to the sides until it reaches shoulder height, then lower it back down. This exercise targets your shoulder muscles.
  5. Squat and Lift: As you pick up heavy pots or bags of soil, use proper squatting techniques. Bend your knees and hips to lower yourself, keeping your back straight, and lift the object with your legs instead of your back.
  6. Garden Bench Step-Ups: Find a sturdy garden bench and step up onto it with one foot, then bring the other foot up. Step back down and repeat with the opposite foot leading. This exercise works your legs and improves balance.

Utilizing Garden Structures for Exercise

Your garden is likely filled with various structures that can be used for exercise. These structures offer unique opportunities to challenge your body and add variety to your workouts. Here are some ways to utilize garden structures for exercise:

  1. Tree Branch Pull-Ups: If you have a sturdy tree branch, use it for pull-ups. Grasp the branch with an overhand grip, hang from it, and then pull your body up until your chin reaches the branch.
  2. Garden Fence Dips: Find a stable garden fence or railing and perform dips. Face away from the fence, place your hands on the edge behind you, and lower your body down by bending your arms.
  3. Staircase Step-Ups: If you have stairs in your garden or near it, use them for step-ups. Step up onto the first step with one foot, then bring the other foot up. Step back down and repeat with the opposite foot leading.
  4. Garden Bench Box Jumps: Use a sturdy garden bench for box jumps. Stand facing the bench, bend your knees, and then jump onto the bench, landing softly with your knees slightly bent. Step back down and repeat.
  5. Fence Sprints: If you have a long garden fence, use it for sprints. Sprint along the length of the fence, focusing on speed and power. Take a short rest and repeat for several rounds.

Gardening Tools as Fitness Props

Your gardening tools can double as fitness props, adding resistance and challenge to your workouts. Incorporating these tools into your exercises can make your garden workouts more engaging and effective. Here are some ways to use gardening tools as fitness props:

  1. Shovel Swings: Hold a shovel with both hands at the end of the handle, and swing it from one side of your body to the other. This exercise works your core, shoulders, and back.
  2. Rake Rows: Use a rake to create rows in the soil. While holding the rake, perform rows by pulling it towards your body, engaging your back muscles.
  3. Pruning Shear Curls: Hold a pair of pruning shears in each hand and perform bicep curls. Keep your elbows close to your body and curl the shears up towards your shoulders.
  4. Watering Can Overhead Press: Fill a watering can with water and hold it with both hands at shoulder height. Press the watering can overhead, fully extending your arms, and then lower it back down.
  5. Garden Hose Battle Ropes: Turn your garden hose into makeshift battle ropes. Hold one end in each hand and perform waves or slams to work your arms and shoulders.

Mindful Gardening: Meditation and Relaxation

Gardening not only provides physical exercise but also offers an opportunity for mindfulness and relaxation. Mindful gardening involves being fully present and engaged in the act of gardening, which can have numerous mental and emotional benefits. Here are some ways to practice mindful gardening:

  1. Connect with Nature: Take a moment before you begin your gardening tasks to connect with nature. Take deep breaths, listen to the sounds of birds chirping, and feel the earth beneath your feet.
  2. Focus on the Present: As you garden, focus your attention on the task at hand. Engage your senses – feel the soil in your hands, smell the flowers, and notice the colors around you.
  3. Practice Slow Gardening: Avoid rushing through your gardening tasks. Instead, take your time and perform each action with intention and care. Allow yourself to be fully absorbed in the process.
  4. Let Go of Distractions: While gardening, let go of any distractions or worries. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment and let the act of gardening be a form of meditation.
  5. Embrace Imperfection: Gardening is a process that involves both successes and failures. Embrace imperfection and see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Benefits of Working Out in Your Garden

Working out in your garden offers a range of benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. Let’s explore some of the advantages of incorporating exercise into your gardening routine:

  1. Physical Exercise: Gardening tasks such as digging, planting, and weeding provide excellent physical exercise. These activities engage various muscle groups and contribute to overall strength and flexibility.
  2. Cardiovascular Health: Activities like raking, mowing the lawn, and wheelbarrow walks can elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health.
  3. Vitamin D Exposure: Spending time outdoors in your garden exposes you to natural sunlight, which helps your body produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for bone health and overall immune function.
  4. Stress Reduction: Gardening has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The combination of physical activity, being in nature, and the meditative aspects of gardening can have a calming effect on the mind.
  5. Improved Mood: Working in your garden and being surrounded by greenery and flowers can boost your mood and create a sense of joy and satisfaction.
  6. Cognitive Benefits: Mindful gardening can improve focus and concentration. It allows you to be fully present in the moment and clear your mind of distractions.
  7. Environmental Impact: By gardening and caring for plants, you are contributing to environmental conservation and sustainability.


Working out in your garden not only helps you stay fit but also allows you to connect with nature and find joy in the process of tending to your plants. Whether it’s through garden yoga, functional exercises, or creating a garden circuit, you can turn your gardening sessions into fulfilling workouts. Embrace the natural beauty around you, enjoy the fresh air, and let your garden be your personal fitness sanctuary.


  1. Do I need any prior experience in gardening or exercising to work out in my garden?

No prior experience is necessary. Garden workouts are suitable for all fitness levels, and you can adjust the intensity based on your abilities.

  1. How long should a garden workout session be?

The duration of your garden workout can vary based on your preferences and schedule. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity per session.

  1. Can I do garden workouts in any season?

Yes, you can adapt your garden workouts to different seasons. Just be mindful of weather conditions and dress accordingly.

  1. What are some other creative ways to work out in the garden?

You can try gardening activities like composting, pruning, or watering as part of your workout routine. These activities engage different muscle groups and add variety to your garden workouts.

  1. Can children join in on garden workouts?

Absolutely! Garden workouts can be a fun family activity, and children can participate in age-appropriate exercises and gardening tasks. It’s a great way to instill healthy habits and a love for nature in young ones.

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