What you need to know about menstruation

Quick and short guide to : What is menstruation and how to live with it.

What you need to know about menstruation

What you need to know about menstruation

Menstruation is quite a natural part of every girl and woman’s life. The menstrual period usually begins when the girls are between 10 and 15 years old, but the typical age is around 13 years of age.

The menstrual period starts when the brain sends a signal to the ovaries. The signal tells the ovaries to start to mature an egg. When this happens, the ovulation process begins, with the egg detach itself from the ovary and down towards the uterus.
It is part of ovulation that you have the opportunity to become pregnant. This happens if the egg is fertilized by semen, and if it does not, you will not become pregnant.
Then the body simply secretes the mucous membrane from inside the uterus. When the mucous membrane is excreted, menstruation is given. If not excreted, then it may have been fertilized and the menstrual period will not pass. Menstrual periods begin approximately 14 days after ovulation.

How long time do periods last?

The Menstruation periods usually last about 5 days. But the period varies and can be shorter or last longer.

How often is the period cycles?

Periods cycles usually happen once every 4–5 weeks.
It varies from girl to girl, some get their periods a little less or more often.

How does menstruation affect you?

All girls are different. It is different from girl to girl when you get your first menstrual period. It is also different how strongly you bleed when you bleed and how long the menstrual period is. Because of this, it is individual how girls are affected by menstruation.

Some girls have severe menstrual cramps during the time up to menstruation and during menstruation. Others do not feel any pain at all. It is also individually what pain you have. Some experience severe abdominal pain while others get hurt in the lower back, legs or simply feel lack of energy.

Typical Symptoms of menstruation.

Some girls also experience that during their periods they get:

  • A headache
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Pain in the back
  • Changes in mood

Finally, menstruation can also cause mood swings, and some may even feel depressed, unstable, restless or irritated. The mood changes are due to the fact that the body during the menstrual period has several hormones. All the different pains before menstruation are called premenstrual syndrome.

How to protect yourself when you have menstruation

Protect yourself from menstruation

When you get your period, you will typically be introduced to various protection options. Some girls like tampons the most, while others use pads. The choice of protection also depends on the heavy menstrual period you have.

If you are not for either pads or tampons then maybe an OrganiCup is an alternative. OrganiCup is a menstrual cup that collects blood and can be used over and over again. In fact, it can sit for up to 8 hours at a time. A tampon holds a maximum of 5 hours.
The OrganiCup will protect you for longer periods of time.

If you decide to use panty, it’s important to replace it during the day. If the panty is too humid for too long, you may be at risk of having a Pelvic inflammatory disease. Therefore, always keep a panty in your bag so that you maintain good hygiene – even during your period.

When choosing protection, it is important to choose the type that you feel is best and most comfortable for you. It may be a good idea to start with the pad and panty, and along the way try both tampon and OrganiCup.

Advice and final thoughts

  • Maintain Good hygiene
  • Drink water, get enough liquid
  • Keep track of when your period comes
  • Give yourself time to relax
  • Always have tampon, pad or OrganiCup with you

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